There are as many answers to this as there are uninspired writers. Over the years we have come across hundreds of answers – yep, that’s no exaggeration. Actually, we will find some of them for you and list them here with our own shortened explanations of what the writers were getting at.
12 Things to Do When You Don’t Feel Inspired to Write
Tonya Thompson |servicescape.com | Read the article
Advice includes:
- Read a book. Because books are full of words. And sentences. And paragraphs. And a-ha moments. You want that.
- Go for a walk. Your mind has this knack of bringing forth ideas when you step away from your writing environment.
- Change your environment. As above. Leave your laptop and the sentences that form in your head may stun you.
How to Find Inspiration and Motivation to Write Your Next Book
NY Book Editors | nybookeditors.com | Read the article
Advice includes:
- Travel to some place new. Because seeing new things inspires new circuits of thought in your brain.
- Strike up a conversation with someone new. People are a great source of story material. Why make it up, when you can download it from a stranger?
- Interview yourself. Use some of the events in your life to inspire your writing. Once again, why make it up? You have a ton of story inspirations in your life.
What to Do When You Don’t Feel Motivated to Write
Jeff Goins | goinswriter.com | Read the article
Advice includes:
- Copy someone else. Find people who are doing amazing writing and let their passion move you.
- Set small goals. You can’t eat an elephant in one sitting. If you’re vegetarian, you can’t eat an elephant at all- but that’s a whole other story. Let’s just pretend we all have a desire to eat elephants.
- Remember your ‘why.’ Remember when your father told you you’ll never be a writer and you swore you’d prove him wrong. Reconnect to that sentiment often.
Writing Inspiration: 99 Ways to Get Inspired to Write in 2021
Ayodeji Awosika | smartblogger.com | Read the article
Advice includes:
- Tidy up. When you declutter, it clears the mind too. (This dude though. Who comes up with a listicle with 99 items!?)
- Tell your friends and family. If other people know your plans it will scare the shizzle out of you to fail to deliver.
- Go on an ego trip. “Each time you sit down to write, you’re ahead of 99 percent of every other aspiring writer out there. Most people do nothing. They talk, wish, and wonder.” This guy, this guy. Gotta love him.
6 Simple Ways to Stay Inspired as a Writer
Writer’s Edit | writersedit.com | Read the article
Advice includes:
- Be part of the writing community. Join a writers group (We’ve written about the amazing possibilities that writing groups present before), attend literary festivals. Basically, where other writers congregate, there you must be too.
- Write first, edit later. Editing as you write is like trying to tune your car while you’re driving. Just drive. Just drive.
- Keep your perspective in check. Remember that other writers suffer too. You are not alone.
7 Tips To Stay Motivated When Writing A Book
Brian Tracy | briantracy.com | Read the article
Advice includes:
- Write every day. Make that inspiration appear when you want it and soon it will never leave you.
- Get rid of distractions. Why are you trying to write while watching Netflix?
- Talk it out. Say what you are trying to write. Sometimes the mouth is more agile than the fingers.