about Mindset

How do I plan to take care of myself physically and mentally during my writer’s journey?

Taking care of yourself physically and mentally during your writer’s journey is crucial for maintaining creativity, productivity, and overall well-being. Here’s a plan you can tailor to fit your needs: Physical Self-Care: Mental Self-Care: By prioritizing physical and mental self-care, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of your writer’s journey while …

How do I plan to take care of myself physically and mentally during my writer’s journey? Read More »

What’s the most constructive way to handle receiving critique?

Receiving critique as a writer can be both challenging and invaluable for your growth. Here are some constructive ways to handle critique: Stay Open-Minded Approach critique with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Understand that the feedback is not a personal attack but an opportunity to improve your work. Listen Actively When receiving …

What’s the most constructive way to handle receiving critique? Read More »

How do you stay motivated during the writing process?

Motivation is a fleeting companion, so you can rely on discipline. Setting achievable goals, breaking the work into manageable chunks, and celebrating small victories along the way can keep you moving forward. The joy of progress often becomes its own motivation. But there are several strategies writers can employ to remain inspired and focused: Setting …

How do you stay motivated during the writing process? Read More »